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  • Elizabeth Bailey

Every little thing

Seem like every little cough, sniffle and sneeze brings an instant reaction from our nervous system! Anxiety, anticipation, fear - This is self protective, of course, but sometimes it gets exhausting...We get so tired we start to live in denial or anger or sadness...This IS stressful and dysregulating. Take time to find balance, to ground yourself in the present moment. To check in with yourself about how you are taking care of yourself. Are you eating well, or out of balance with sugar or alcohol? Drinking enough water? Taking sometime to practice calming or slowing your thoughts? Taking walks or going to the gym or on-line yoga? All of these self care practices help to counteract stress and soothe the vigilant nervous system.

Most of all - take two or three slow breaths from your belly, and exhale for longer than you inhale -

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